My Beautiful Son
Daniel's older brother Eric and Tom Daniel's dad.
Trying to remember everything he wants for Christmas
Reading outside
Uncle Daniel
Ok what did you do?
My beautiful son shot and killed while working his weekend job for Papa Johns Pizza
So many people loved him that there were 85 cars in his funeral procession and that was car pooling.
Standing room only at his funeral with 3 parlors open. We didn't even get flowers from Papa Johns but we did from Dominoes. It makes me wonder about the guy that was killed in TN and all the papa johns people came including "John" himself. I think it was for show probably. The only people from Papa John's who came to Daniel's funeral were his co workers who loved him and cried to me how much they miss him.
He was sent into an apartment complex which had murders there before and was known for its violent element with no protection!
Daniel was a talented musician and song writer. He was a machinist through the week and his life insurance became effective 5 hours after he was brutally murdered.
His last words were "Oh God, Oh God No!" I have to live with knowing that for the rest of my life which cannot be short enough for me.
I have thought about suicide about every day since Daniel was murdered. I however don't want to take the chance that I will never see him again so I stay alive until its my time to go.
Many times I wonder if I am going insane, because I just can't function anymore. My house is always a mess, the laundry is always piled up and I pace around not knowing what to do. This blog has helped a little, I gather information about Daniel off the web and now I will begin writing about my feelings here too..
His many friends are now my other kids, they call me Mama Jaffke. But people have begun avoiding me because I am always crying or about to. My cousin told me right after Daniel died that "people will get on with their lives and you won't be able to". She was very right, I am not able to.